Does the action of slowing down feel like a big hug to you? Or does it make you want to run?
As much as both of us love slowing down, it doesn’t always come easily… because it can be uncomfortable.
Confession: I love a slow flow when I’m dictating the pace. When I’ve decided how slow I want to move. But, I’ve been in classes before with teachers I love, where I find the slow pace excruciating. I’d be eyeing off the door and wondering if I could just leave and never come back (not likely when I had to come back to teach at that studio..!).
If I am honest, those were the days I probably needed to slow down the most - when my mind was racing and I was feeling edgy and just wanted to distract myself. Slowing down meant acknowledging feelings, which isn’t always pleasant! But with time (and practice, and patience), I began to find it more and more enjoyable and beneficial.
If you can identify with the slow struggle, I’d like to challenge you. Practice with me, slowly. 34 minutes at a cruisy pace. Time to let the sensations sink in, to get familiar with each pose, to take a few full breaths. No big fancy sequences here - we’re keeping it simple so your mind doesn’t have to wander to “where are we going from here?” But notice if you get the urge to speed things up, or if you feel like you’re not doing enough.
Trust me, you are.
Click the video below to access your free class.
Make sure to stay tuned for our upcoming launch date for our online studio, where we offer a well-rounded range of classes designed to energise, to soothe, to challenge and to calm.
With love,
Emilie & Julie